These decadent truffles are so chocolatey and rich, but they are also guilt-free and healthier than your regular chocolate truffles. These are best served on top of your smoothie bowls and cakes, but you can also eat it as is for a delicious sweet treat.

    • 1/2 cup date caramel
    • 2 tbsp nut butter of choice
    • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
    • a splash of homemade cashew milk
    • 3-4 tbsp peanut butter
    • 1/3 cup raw buckwheat groats
    • 1 cup dark chocolate, for coatring
    • 1/3 cup cacao powder
  1. In a high speed blender or food processor, add the date caramel, almond butter, buckwheat, vanilla, peanut butter, and milk.
  2. Blend the ingredients until well combined. A dough-like texture should remain.
  3. Roll the dough into 1-inch balls and freeze for 30 minutes.
  4. Melt the dark chocolate over a double boiler.
  5. Coat the truffles in the melted chocolate. Allow to set on a parchment lined baking sheet for at least 30 minutes in the fridge.
  6. Toss the truffles in raw cacao powder before serving (optional).
  7. Enjoy with chocolate nice cream or ice cream of choice!


Alina | @plantbasedalina | | Plant Based Alina (YouTube)

 My name is Alina and I am a plant-based food and lifestyle content developer and photographer based in New York City. I am certified in Plant-Based Nutrition by the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies with a degree in Psychobiology from UCLA. Additionally, I hold a master's degree in biochemistry & molecular biology, but my passion lies in inspiring individuals to live mindfully through a holistic plant-based lifestyle.
Lots of love, always! xo